Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The art of theater

This week I have been practicing for Mock Rock which is a theatrical dance that tells a story line. Never acting before, my eyes really opened to how the theater is on a grand scale a live piece of art. There are so many factors that come into play to create the final product. There are architectural designs involved such as building the set on stage and how every prop is placed to help tell the story. Building and designing every individual prop is crucial. Also lighting plays a role which highlights the mood of the play. It is important to know the location of lighting as well as the color of the lights used. Light producers need to be knowledgeable of how combining different colors of lights will produce other colors of light.Sound is an important aspect as well to consider such as songs, actors’ voice, and instrumentals. All of these factors together help to create an art that comes alive. Much like a painting it is open for interpretation and conveys a message. It is simply a different medium of how this message is communicated but theater is very much an art. There is room for different perceptions based on the different people who look at it. The producer creates a product for the audience to interpret just like a painter makes a painting for viewers to interpret as well. To be open minded, it is just another take on a different type of art. In class we have been simply focusing on paintings but just as a reminder there are more forms including theatrical productions.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I love theater. My mom is a ballet teacher so I was always dancing as a child and I never stopped until I came here to Tech. I was also in my high school's drama program all four years. I love the stage, and though I tend to get tongue tied when I act, I love dance and I love being the lighting technician and doing anything behind the scenes.

