Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Clothes = Art

After watching a clip on modeling online yesterday, I realized how clothing designers act as an artist when crafting their intricate clothing patterns. Their different types of cloths act like different types of paint and they go through the same basic process when creating their masterpiece as would a painter. Expanding on the different types of art, clothing as an art brought on a new perspective of what traditional people would categorize as art. There are abstract clothing such as those with objects attached to them or with exaggerated designs on them. The picture in the middle resembles an art piece at the High Museum which was a chair made of many layers of clothes binded together. Just like in paintings, color plays an integral aspect and there are also cultural differences that can be found in the different types of clothing. Not only is it a form of expression but people can actually make use of the clothing and wear it as opposed to simply looking at it. I believe Plato would commend clothing as an art because it is not entirely useless like how he thought paintings were.

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