Saturday, October 23, 2010

Text and Art

From looking at Spy and Counter-spy: let Us Now Praise Famous Men in The Photographic Essay: Four case Studies, we saw how the essay was developed without referencing the pictures that were also in the text as well. The text and pictures were independent of each other. Instead the pictures do not illustrate the text they just are added to it. It just demonstrates how you need to use the text to see inside the picture such as not to merely describe what can already be seen but to lay out to the audience and clarify the background or the significance. So this shows me that for my visual essay I need to explain my pictures more. I plan to talk about the historical background of the objects that the art is portraying like the campanile, the traditions, and the rat cap (displayed). Also I think it is important to explain the theme of the homecoming events this year and how the art shows that. 

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