Saturday, October 23, 2010

Current Events in Art

Public art is a great method to convey statements of current events to the public. These statements could range from social issues that relate to the local area like in the past for example women's rights or political issues. Furthermore, other fields include "art and craft, architecture and environmental design, urban design, landscape design, urban planning, urban history, urban sociology, cultural geography, and cultural policy" (Miles). An example of these social issues is displayed by Diego Rivera who creates murals of the political issues in Mexico. His murals which are painted in frescos pertaining to the Mexican society and display 1910 Revolution that happened in the country. From this, I decided to make my theme for my project on current events and what great timing because one of the biggest events that happens on campus which lasts for a week is homecoming. So I will be showing how art is displayed during homecoming to make everyone aware of the event such as how Rivera’s art conveys the current issues occurring during his time. According to Mirzoeff visuals reconstruct social patterns. I believe the displays set out which is only during homecoming changes the social feelings of the students and gets them excited for the football game!

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